Cloudbeds - BEONx integration

How to sign up for BEONx?

To start using BEONx you need to contact our Customer Support Department through the form available on our web. They will get back to you and create/provide you with the login credentials to start the onboarding process.

How to connect BEONx with Cloudbeds for the first time?

Once you request access to BEONx through the Cloudbeds marketplace, we will need to do some configuration from our side and we will also ask you, as hotelier, for certain information to set up our system.

  1. Access Account on the top right corner of your Cloudbeds account and select 'Apps and Marketplace'.


  2. Search for 'BEONx' and click on Learn More


  3. Click 'Connect App' and accept the requested permissions to complete the integration

  4. You will immediately be redirected to the BEONx login page. At this point we recommend contacting our customer support department to obtain login credentials and begin the onboarding process for each hotel client.


Specific functionality of the integration

We do have a full integration with CloudBeds, that means:

  • 1 Way 
    To retrieve information about inventory (day by day categorized by room type) and reservations (reservation dates, status, room type, rate plan, room revenue, channel segment, market segment, ...). We do also have the possibility to update booking information in real time thanks to the implementation of Cloudbeds Webhooks. We do also support "group Accounts" functionality in Cloudbeds. 
  • 2 Ways
    We are able to send prices (to the base rate) back to Cloudbeds from our system. Cloudbeds could apply the derived rates based on the configurations in their system.
    We do also support to send the Min LOS restriction to different base rates, but not to the derived ones.

Limitations of the integration

Currently there are only three limitations of the integration. We are pending some revisions and developments on both sides to support the following points:

  • We're working with CloudBeds to find the way to start retrieving information at Company level segmentation.
  • We support to send the Min LOS restriction to the base rate, but not to the derived ones, as our system requires sending both, the price recommendation and restrictions, at the same time in the same transmission.
  • Cloudbeds is currently not supporting the availability message to open/close different rate codes.

How to disconnect the apps?

Once the BEONx application is disconnected from the Cloudbeds backend, BEONx needs to ungrant and unset all the permissions to stop receiving information from Cloudbeds.


How does disconnect work from your side if you have this option?

On our side we can also disconnect the client's application from Cloudbeds using a request provided by our Partner. It would have exactly the same effect as if the hotelier disconnect the app through their backend.

Check Cloudbeds Disconnect app article to learn how disconnecting on Cloudbeds side.


How to get support?

Our Support team is available for any questions about the integration or the functionality displayed in our system. Feel free to contact

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Want to know more about BEONx? Here are some of the most frequently asked questions:

  • Does BEONx supports Cloudbeds Supporting Group Accounts?: We are currently supporting it.
  • Where can I find more información about: Check BEONx knowledge hub in our website to keep up to date with all the latest news and developments.
  • I would like to hear from your current customers. Visit our website to read our latest success stories or check the latest reviews from our customers in Hotel Tech Report




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